Pet Vaccinations

Vaccinations are crucial for pets of all ages, indoor or outdoor, and even pocket pets.

At Glenway Animal Hospital, we understand the importance of keeping your furry friends protected against potentially deadly diseases.

Vaccinations not only help prevent the spread of diseases, but they also ensure the health and well-being of your pets. With our state-of-the-art facilities and expert veterinarians, we offer a range of pet vaccinations in Cincinnati to help protect your pets from various diseases.

Vaccines for your dog:

In keeping with the recommendations of AAHA’s most recent Canine Vaccination Guidelines, we have made some changes to offer your pets the best protection and comfort. As usual, a veterinarian will assess your pet’s vaccination needs based on lifestyle and exposure during wellness examinations. We use new technology that results in a vaccine with less volume and fewer impurities to inject. This means a safer and more comfortable vaccine for your dog.
Distemper-Parvo vaccine- An added benefit is that new studies indicate the duration of the Distemper-Adenovirus-Parvovirus (DAP) vaccine, considered the core canine vaccine, is three years. If your dog has received an annual Distemper vaccine in the past, the next DAP will be good for three years (some exclusions may apply)
Bordetella (Kennel cough) vaccine – The new Bordetella vaccine goes orally instead of intra-nasally. No more up the nose with the kennel cough vaccine. The oral formulation has been proven to be even more effective than the intra-nasal vaccine but better tolerated by most dogs.
Canine Influenza vaccine- Because we have not seen outbreaks of this disease as predicted when the vaccine was formulated several years ago, we are no longer recommending this to all dogs that get the Bordetella vaccine. In cases where dogs go to national shows or travel widely, it may still be a necessary vaccination.
Lyme Disease vaccine- Health officials are forecasting more cases of Lyme Disease in our area in both humans and dogs. In addition to tick control, we will be recommending this vaccine to at-risk dogs.
Leptospirosis vaccine- Again, because we are seeing more cases of this zoonotic (transmissible to humans) disease in our area, there are more dogs that SHOULD be getting this vaccine than currently are not. Traditionally, the Leptospirosis bacterin was the main suspect in causing vaccine reactions. With our Ultra vaccine technology, leptospirosis pet vaccinations in Cincinnati are safer than they ever have been. We will take precautions, however, with breeds that are prone to vaccine reactions. The leptospirosis vaccine only has a one-year duration of effect, so it will remain an annual vaccine.
Rabies vaccine- The initial puppy or kitten vaccine has a one-year duration, with subsequent vaccines given every three years. Rabies is also a disease that is getting closer and closer to Cincinnati. Please do not let your pet’s rabies vaccine expire!


Please check out our Puppy FAQs.

  • Distemper/Parvo (DAP ultra, Leptospirosis, Lyme Disease): annual booster or every two to three weeks from eight weeks until the puppy is sixteen weeks old. Prevents against highly contagious viruses that attack the respiratory, nervous, and digestive systems.
  • Bordetella: annual booster or every two to three weeks from eight weeks until the puppy is sixteen weeks old. Prevents against kennel cough a highly contagious virus attacking the respiratory system, which dogs are susceptible to if they go to public places like the groomer, dog park, Petsmart, or boarding facility.
  • Rabies: Hamilton County Law requires that puppies and kittens be vaccinated before they are six months old. The initial vaccine is good for one year. The following boosters are updated every 3 years.

Please check out our Kitten FAQs.

  • FVRCCP + Virulent Strain Calici: annual booster or every two to three weeks until the kitten is sixteen weeks old. Prevents against the main respiratory diseases cats develop, as well as Virulent Strain Calicivirus (VSCV). VSCV is extremely contagious and can be transferred to your cat via your shoes and clothes. Upwards of 50% of unvaccinated cats that become infected with VSCV die even with aggressive treatment. Although we have not yet experienced an outbreak of this virus in Cincinnati, we want to be sure your cat is protected if an outbreak does occur.
  • Rabies: Hamilton County Law requires that puppies and kittens be vaccinated before they are six months old. The initial vaccine is good for one year. The following boosters are updated every 3 years.
  • FeLV and FIV: if your cat is going to be an inside/outside cat, your kitten needs to receive two initial booster vaccinations to protect against Feline Leukemia. This vaccine will also need to be boostered annually. Prevents against Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, which are deadly and are transmitted cat to cat through saliva, nasal secretions, urine, feces, and milk. Cats permitted to go outdoors unsupervised are at a higher risk of infection due to increased exposure to potential carriers and transmission through bite wounds or mutual grooming, for example. Call for more info on all our pet vaccinations in Cincinnati.

Please check out our Ferret FAQs.

It is important that ferrets are vaccinated with ferret-approved vaccines (not dog or cat vaccines), and multiple vaccines should never be given together at the same visit due to risk of vaccines reaction.
  • Canine Distemper Virus (CDV): annual booster or every three weeks from 6 weeks of age until the kit (or young ferret) is 14 weeks old. The canine distemper virus is 100% fatal if contracted. It can be brought in on your shoes, clothing, or via dogs. Most ferrets have received their first vaccines before they are purchased, but contrary to what many pet owners are led to believe, they are NOT fully vaccinated when they leave the pet store.
  • Rabies: your ferret should be vaccinated for rabies at 3-4 months of age and then once every year afterward.
Scotty Kitty Bunny V2 Optimized

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